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Spot-On Encryption Suite

Spot-On is an open-source Encrpytion Suite for secure Chat & E-Mail, File Transfer and also Websearch in a F2F distributed URL-Database.

Means: Spot-On is a Messaging and File-Transfer Application. With RSS you can import, read, search and distribute your feeds f2f to your friends over encrypted connections.
Enhanced encryption processes have been invented and improved for implementation in Spot-On: such as McEliece-Messaging (Linux), Cryptographic Calling, Zero-Knowledge-Proofs, AutoCrypt via REPLEO and EPKS, Fiasco Forwarding, POPTASTIC-Messaging over E-Mail-Servers, Chipher-Text conversion tools like Rosetta Crypto Pad, Socialist-Millionaire-Security and many more.

Spot-On utilized the Echo-Protocol for proxyfying and anonymizing the network, it provids end-to-end encryption (and therefore utilizes not a web-of-trust, which is only point-to-point encryption). Spot-On is in the groupchat and for servers compatible with Smoke Crypto Chat Messenger from

Spot-On: 1:1-Chat-Window and “Chat-Tab” Spot-On_Chatwindows.png - Spot-On - 1:1-Chat-Window and "Chat-Tab"

Download & Install

Download from the Github-project-page:

Install the latest Linux or Mac Version (Tree Icon) or choose the older Win32-Version (Dolphin Icon):

Download Linux:

Download Win 32:

Download Mac:

Spot-On: Login-Page & Options: Minimal View - just a few buttons Spot-On_Minimal-View-Options.png - Spot-On: Login-Page & Options: Minimal View - just a few buttons


Application-Name:     Spot-On (Encryption Suite)
Developer:            Textbrowser
Start of Development: 2010	
Initial Release:      2013
Actual Version:       Version 2023
Latest Release:       2023
Operating Systems:    Android, FreeBSD, Linux, MacOS, OS/2, OpenBSD, Windows and all systems cappable of Qt.
Coding Language:      C++, Qt 5.15 LTS or Qt 6.5 LTS is required for Linux.
                      All other operating systems require Qt 6.5 LTS.
Categories:           Chat, Instant Messenger, E-Mail, Newsgroups, Anonymous Filesharing, Social Network,
                      Internet Relay Chat, P2P, F2F, Websearch, Encryption, Cryptography, Echo-Application
License:              BSD (Free and Open Source Software)

Reviews of Download-Portals:

Specification-List in Detail

Please visit for more information.



Spot-On: 1:1-Chat-Window and “Chat-Tab” Spot-On_Chatwindows

Spot-On: Group-Chat-Tab called “Buzz” Spot-On_Groupchat

Spot-On: Spot-On “Settings-Tab” to activate the kernel (must be done first) Spot-On_Settings_Kernel_Activation

Spot-On: “Neighbour-Tab” to add a connection to a server or node Spot-On_Neighbour

Spot-On: Login-Page & Options: Minimal View - just a few buttons (without search) Spot-On_Minimal-View-Options

Spot-On: Create a Server / Listener just with a few clicks Spot-On_Listener_Server

Spot-On: FileSharing with Magnet-Links - “StarBeam-Tab” or to be StarBeamed in the Chatwindow Spot-On_FileSharing_Torrent_Magnet

Spot-On: Websearch - here: Webinterface in a webbrowser Spot-On_Websearch_Webinterface

Spot-On: Websearch 2 - here: client-interface in a tab Spot-On_Websearch_Clientinterface